Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Being back in school made me realize my life is really not that interesting. And if anyone still reads this, I hope you gain something from it. Useful or otherwise.

I will comment on the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Mars Volta show on September the 14th.


I had tickets to row SIX. Went with a friend from Victoria,and during the second song of the Chili's set (Dani California) we joined the surge and ended up around 2 people from the front grating. My only qualm was that I watched roughly 10% of the concert from behind people's cell phones. I understand this is part of the reaosn they're so popular, you can take video and pictures with them, but godamnit people, i don't want to see your cell phone hovering over where FLEA should be rocking out. TURN THE FUCKING THINGS OFF YOU"RE AT A CONCERT.

However it was quite stunning to look up, around, behind and see the massive amounts of people all around me. The sound was intense. The show was amazing. I wish a leaked video of it would showup somewhere, i'd kill a man for it.

The only other thing of import that has happened lately was Kate's Birthday last wednesday. We hit up Swans (cheap pitchers of their own brew!) and then Evo(lution) for 80's night. this was made that much sweeter by the fact that a few of us took the time to dress up all 80's cheese style. Blazers, big sunglasses, and bright shirts were the order of the evening. It rocked pretty hard.

Hockey starts up tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited for it, classes are OK, my only eos class is fairly dry (paleobiology), and my business courses are pretty intuitive. Math, as always, is a selfish lover, and I decided to drop spanish, I really just want to pass calculus this semester. that is job one.

Also, I'm prtty stoked as allyson is coming uup in the first weekend of October (Canadian Thanksgiving for all you yanks). Exciting.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Back to school, back to school, prove to dad that I'm not a fool

Whew, been awhile...

Back in Victoria now, have been for several days. Things of note that have happened recently that are awesome:

  • Getting a macbook...so sleek and well designed. awesome.
  • seeing all my friends in Vancover, their new digs
  • Going to Tom's cabin on Thormanberry Island
    • DFX is awesome. Dock Frisbee XTREME. we're hardcore
  • moving back to Victoria
  • Seeing all my friends in Victoria
  • classes aren't all terrible
  • a calculus professor who speaks english as his first language

That..uh...realy kind of sums up everything that's happened since I left Colorado.

The wolf parade concert was just bad ass. Leaving Colorado, not so bad ass. But not because I like Colorado (dot dot dot). Everything that's happened in the last two weeks has been a bit of a whirlwind. Getting back to Vancouver, going to Tom's cabin for 2 days, moving to Victoria. I've barely seen my family...or had any time for myself. I ended up doing that this weekend. Kind of went Recluse on all my friends...I really just needed a weekend to breathe, and sit in the sun with a cold beer. That was basically the plan of action for Saturday and Sunday, and I have to say, it was much needed. I've basically been feeling exhausted every day when I wake up since well...since I moved back to Vic. I think I've finally gotten enough sleep from long nights and naps, so now I get ot get into the swing of things as far as classes are concerned. First quiz on Wednesday...then Red Hot Chili Peppers on Thursday, and back to Vic on Friday afternoon or Saturday.

so busy...so much I need to do that I still haven't.

ANd I can't finish unpacking until Staples gets my goddamn bookshelves in. So many books, nowhere to put them.