Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Make up your mind Nunavut

Are you going to be hot? or cold? This swapping every couple days is bullshit. I never know what I need to take into the field anymore. Last week, sub-zero temperatures. Today, up in the mid 20's. Which feels like 30 after last week. So hot, milk was bad choice. So I managed to get pretty burned on my arms and face, got a pretty wicked farmer tan going on now.

Finished off the day with some extra carpentry after dinner, and since it was still pretty warm out, Nick and I decided it'd be a good idea to go for a swim.


It wasn't a very good idea. When you see snow that is still frozen in July on the riverbank, the river is probably pretty effin' cold. Sure enough, it was pretty cold. Though it was very refreshing after the body adjusted to it.

Mosquitos have come back full force, when we went to the river we were swarmed pretty bad due to the lack of clothing... But at least it's sunny again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what did you xpect? warm humid tropical paradise