Sunday, July 02, 2006


So I head out in the chopper this morning to do a little prospecting, one of my favourite things about field work. It's by far the most interesting thing I get to do (unless we actually do some mapping of the area, which is also kickass). I basically hike around a given area and smash rocks and figure out if they're worth sampling. Woo!

Also, some good news, I now have a camera, the boss was nice enough to hook me up with one of the company digitals, not that great quality, but it's better than nothing. Stupid lation heat party and my camera getting stolen....ah well, what can you do. expect more pictures soon.

Does anyone actually read this at all? (I know you do allyson, just wondering if there's anyone else.....)

Anyone who does read this and feel like writting me:
Alex Wallis
Comittee Bay Bullion Camp
C/O Apex Geoscience
P.O. Box 885
Rankin Inlet, NU X0C 0G0
call for pickup: 867-645-2228

that's it..maybe something exciting will happen in the next few days (I hope) or else this is going to be a drrryyyyy blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, you have an audience.