Tuesday, June 12, 2007

To the Trenches!

A little past due, I guess.

It's been a busy couple of weeks with the main geotech out on break, and only 1 other core logger in camp. Got out and did some mapping on my own to get an idea of the age relationships on various intrusions in an gold target area. It was pretty exciting stuff (for me).

Now I'm working in the trenches with one of the other young Geos. Mapping and sampling 4(so far) trenches. It's hot, it's dirty, and it's great.

Not too much going on right now. Pretty much ready for my break in 15 days.


Unloading the excavator from the flatbed....who needs ramps?

Supervising, it's a fancy word for watching.

Deep in the trench. it's 100m long and 3m deep.
It runs North/South so...there's never much shade in it. Gets pretty hot down there.

Sampling with Erka, not too deep there.

Samples and out the back window at the end of the day.
I just like the shot.

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