Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So, I awoke this first morning of my 23rd year, had breakfast, and went over to the core shack to see what the night shift had gotten into. I've been logging core for 3 days now, kind of a frustrating process, but by the end of it I don't think I'll have any problems at all with Igneous Petrology next semester...everything is volcanic, or shallow subsurface igneous...

Anyways, I was in the shack wetting down the core, trying to decide what i"m going to call the fragmenty, intensely altered rock in front of me, when I hear the strangest sound..Sort of like a bird twittering with laryngitis.. It happens a few more times, I look around and there's nothing out of the ordinary, no birds, no...anything except core boxes. Then I hear it quite loudly, and look over towards the open doorway. A little goat..er..kidd...just sort of struts into the doorway and keeps making this sound. It wasn't quite the bleat of a sheep, or a sound I expected a goat-like animal to be making. Especially in the core shack, especially in camp...we haven't had any animals come in yet so...I was pretty surprised.

I looked past the goat and saw the security guy coming over to chase it out of camp, but it ran into the core shack instead. I gave up on the core and tried to help him get it out, but it would just bleat and run under a different rack, where we couldn't quite reach it. This continued for 5 or 10 minutes and eventually we got it out of the core shack.....where it just ran further into camp. I left the security guy to deal with it and had a quiet chuckle to myself.

(warning: bad geology joke)
I think it was telling me it's a baaaa-salt

That's...really the most exciting thing that's happened in a few days.

We DID celebrate my birthday a couple of nights ago, as 3 of the younger expats were leaving before today. We had a bonfire, lamb chops, steaks, potatoes, and a LOT of wine. They even managed to find a bottle of champagne (too sweet, and kind of meh...but still champagne!) , and stayed up late drinking beers. All in all, a pretty good birthday.

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