Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Guten Tag

To whom it may concern:

I am currently a 3rd year Geology student at the University of Victoria. During my summer months, instead of lounging on the luxurious beaches of British Columbia, I sacrifice my sun filled months of freedom, for the sub-zero temperatures of the north-central arctic. Committee Bay to be exact, just above the 62nd parallel.

I'll try to keep things brief for now, as this is post one.

I'm currently sitting around Edmonton, Alberta, doing office work. But in a couple weeks time I'll be on a cargo plane headed north to Rankin Inlet, and from there I'll board a 14 person Twin otter plane to our field camp, Bullion. The weather will be chilly, with wind chill probably around -15 degrees Celsius, more likely than not raining. The lakes and rivers will still be frozen over, and snow fields will abound. After several weeks the snow will melt, and the Arctic tundra is exposed for what it really is, a wet, mosquito-ridden bog. But I love it.

There is nothing quite as beautiful as the midnight sun. Kinda creepy too.

I will try to keep track of my misadventures, and make the rock stories as interesting as possible (no guarantees.)

Jus so you can have a taste, here's who I am:

I'm 22, I live in Victoria, BC when I'm not working.

I enjoy snowboarding, rocks, alcoholism, good times, good bars, pub crawls, and good wines.

here's a nice little shot of me at the last night of geology Field School (2 weeks spent on northern Vancouver Island). We had a bonfire..and..well, a lot to drink. Grey sweater, bottle of wine...it's not that hard to pick me out.

I'm obsessive-compulsive with my music, and constantly seeking new tunes to keep my mind from running away with itself. I also love traveling, I try to get out as much as humanly possible.

There you have it..That's me.

some pictures:
El Salvador, April 2005

Ingot Camp, Northern numbed. 1:30 in the morning of a drunken party.

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