Sunday, July 16, 2006

Core Boxes

Had a break from the monotony of laying out pickets in a 8km by 500 metre grid at 25 metre intervals today. Went up to one of last year's camps and laid out about 200 core boxes for some people to look at this week. Still a lot of hard work, but not roaming over the endless tundra or tramping through ponds fighting off mosquitos.

All in all, an excellent day, as I got a slight break, and it's also Ham for dinner, which is goddamn delicious.

Not much has really happened the last few days. Camp life is pretty much the same every day. Helicopter out at 8:30, helicopter in at 5:00, dinner at 6, sometimes more work after, usually a movie or poker, or I listen to music and work on my caribou antler carving skills (almost as cool as nunchuk skills)

Oh, I did recieve a couple of packages a couple days ago, which are awesome. I love having parents who drink almost as much as I do, and come through with requests that might be slightly against the camp regulations. Awesome.

Also, the other package from a certain person who usually comments here, which was, to say the least, a riot. That pink and blue princess eye cover is realy helping me sleep well. Thanks.
(that "gift" is going to come right back and bite you. Hard. You've been warned.)

1 comment:

Ian said...

Core boxes suck man. I have to take out at least 100 tommorow. Its going to blow.