Monday, July 03, 2006

T-Shirts and Tundra

A strange combination to say the least.

The last 3 days it's been above 20 degrees (celsius) for the better part of the day. WHen you start hiking 5-10km a day with a backpack full of rocks, it feels like 35. It's absolutely unbelievable. This time last year it was pissing rain and hovering around zero most of the day, with the windchill taking it down 5 or 6 degrees further.

Only problem with the warmth and wearing a t-shirt is the mosquitos have started coming out. Have had to start layering on the DEET several times a day at this point...which also kind of melts down the sunscreen...oh well, I"d rather be burned than scratching bites all night.

They still manage to get me though...One even got under my watch and started sucking before I crushed him. Little bastards.

I was going to put some pictures up, but the uploading thing, and webshots seem to have shit all over themselves...either that or the satellite internet can't choke down the big picture files to get them up. Can't even email them right now. It's a bit frustrating. Nothing much interesting yet...had a couple wolves in camp, though I wasn't here to see them.. They'll e around more though, they now know there are people here, which usually means food.

I'll work on the picture thing, have gotten some good landscapes (there's not much else to shoot here) so far, and want ot get them up. ahh well, back to work.

1 comment:

J.Z. Garrod said...

I will have Nunavut!